Finding the Right Fit: Choosing Your Gynecologist in Las Vegas

May 25, 2022

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Finding the Right Fit: Choosing Your Gynecologist in Las Vegas

If you’re living in Las Vegas, you may have struggled to find the right fit when it comes to an OBGYN that you are truly comfortable with. But even with the local physician shortage, you don’t have to sacrifice on your healthcare–thanks to technology and telemedicine. Have you considered the power that you hold when it comes to making this important decision?

Choosing a gynecologist is a personal decision and usually leads to a life-long patient-doctor relationship. Don’t limit yourself to your geographical circumstances. In order to find the best fit, you may need to consider stepping outside the box and trying something new: seeing your physician virtually, known as telemedicine.

But this blog isn’t about the benefits of telemedicine, if you want to read more on that subject check out the links below:

Instead, we’re going to take a look at whether it matters if you choose a male or female OBGYN. While there is likely no definitive answer regarding which gender is better at the job, personal preference is a different story. You usually wouldn’t factor gender into the equation when selecting your doctor, but when choosing your Las Vegas gynecologist, it could play a factor.

Reasons Women Prefer a Female Gynecologist

Studies have found that most women prefer female gynecologists. The reason behind the results is likely due to the social stigma related to the sex organs and discussing your sex life. Culture has taught us that men usually do not want to participate in any conversation surrounding the topics of periods, pregnancy, or problems down there.

Another reason that many women prefer a female OBGYN is that a female doctor has life-long experience living in the female body, with the female reproductive system. They may have personally experienced some of the conditions that patients face. You may feel more understood by a doctor who shares the same gender.

Reasons To Choose a Male Gynecologist

Some women prefer male gynecologist. One reason may be that traditionally, the role of the doctor was filled by males. Males are already accepted in the medical field as trusted providers and well-established in obstetrics-gynecology.

Another reason some women choose a male gynecologist is that males may be more sympathetic than female OBGYNs. The explanation behind this reasoning is that doctors who have experienced the same female reproductive problems as their patients may be a bit desensitized, and therefore more dismissive, of patient complaints since their own experience plays a factor in their assessment. For that reason, a male gynecologist might tend to be more compassionate to a patient’s needs.

Does it Matter?

Many women do not make the final decision of choosing their gynecologist based on gender alone. While it may be a consideration after the initial consultation, it’s generally a supporting factor rather than a deal-breaker. For example, if a patient feels the doctor is competent and has a great bedside manner, gender may not be a consideration. However, if a patient feels the experience was less than ideal, but the doctor seemed competent, gender may play into the decision of whether to return or find a new physician.


Choosing your Las Vegas OBGYN is a personal decision. With a world of possibilities open to you via telemedicine options, you can find the right gynecologist for the best patient experience, regardless of whether you prefer a male or female physician, or have no preference.

Related: Getting it Right: Choosing the Best Gynecologist in Las Vegas

At My Virtual Physician, we make patient satisfaction a priority by staffing multiple board-certified OBGYN physicians; we are certain that you’ll have a great patient experience with a physician that suits your healthcare needs.

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